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Index Calling all 1987 Matrics (QC and GHS) for our 30th Reunion

Date : 20 January 2017

A message to the matric class of 1987 from Russell Grahame-Walker

2017 has arrived and compliments of the season to you all. I trust that you will all experience God's richest blessings this year. 

This is a SHOUT OUT to the QC and GHS Classes of '87 that this is our 30th reunion and we are intending on making it a memorable one. Russell Grahame-Walker will be organizing it from the QC side and Michelle Thompson is the organizer from the GHS side. The GHS girls have agreed to join the QC boys on Reunion weekend in celebrating this milestone which will really be awesome. For the QC boys, may I please request that you inbox Russell Grahame-Walker or Neil Pike your contact details and the girls please send your contact details to Michelle. Organising the weekend of 21-23 April 2017 is well on its way and there is a fair amount of correspondence that we would like to share with you. If you are not part of the 87 group and you have any contact with someone from our year, please get them to contact us. I trust that we will have a VERY successful reunion and we hope to see as many of you there as possible.

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