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The QCOBA constitution was officially formulated and publicised in 1940 but there had doubtless been in existence some guidelines and regulations for the association's running for years beforehand.

The essential point of the association's existence was that it should keep the Old Boys in touch with the school and with each other and to consider ways of furthering the interests of the school.

The executive was to consist of a president, vice-presidents, branch chairmen, secretary, treasurer and correspondence secretary and the AGM and dinner were to be held in the last week in October.

Membership was extended to the staff of Queen's College, males only, a curious restriction at a time when the school was once again heavily reliant on women replacing men who had gone ‘up north'.

With a good deal of talk in 1945 among the Old Boys centring on the proposed hall that would be the war memorial, the idea was raised that the Memorial Windows in the Queen's Hall should be removed and placed in the new hall.HQ Davies declined to consider this on the grounds that the windows had been consecrated in the Queen's Hall and should remain there.

The Reunion Dinner in 1945 was a joyous affair for all sorts of reasons and 300 Old Boys, their wives and sweethearts crammed into the Bisset Dining Hall, to celebrate the end of the war as well as 87 years of the life of their old school.

HO Skillicorn's excellent newsletter, which had been appearing as part of an appeal for funds for the war memorial project, inspired Alf Lendrum to start an Old Boys' newsletter. This was to be supplementary to the school magazine that was sent to members. The association took responsibility for its publication, but after a brief while it came to an end, not so much from a lack of financial support as a shortage of contributors. The ‘Queen's Contact' newsletter lay still some years in the future.

In 1949 it was decided by the executive that the date of future Reunions should be 21 April, the date established by Mr Wilkinson as Founders' Day. Herbert Wilkinson's own 80th birthday occurred this year and, serendipitously, the history of Queen's College on which he had been working for some time appeared on his birthday morning.

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