By 1960 there were some 1 500 Old Boys on the association's roll and to mobilise this number more effectively, an action committee was formed.
Rather, they appeared in the columns of the ‘Queen's Contact', a more suitable vehicle, it was felt, to be printed quarterly and sent to each member Old Queenian.
Breaking new ground in 1977, National President DC Scott mooted the idea of a symposium to be held over a couple of days with representation from every branch to discuss matters affecting the school.
The same year saw DC Scott re-elected for a second year's term as national president – the first year of his office was seen as a period of the launch of the national executive, while the second year was that of its settling into normal procedures and activities.
Ross Parry-Davies was the 1978 national vice-president and Thrust 125 and the Co-ordination Committee of 12 were two initiatives as the late 1970s began to enlarge the activities of the QCOBA.