The aim of this society is to provide constructive entertainment and to give the serious player competitive experience. Chess devlops concentration, patience, struct6ured and logical thought patterns, and the ability to process a number of variables before making decisions. Queenians participate in inter-school competitions and tounaments. No previous experience is required as the players are taught all the basic skills needed to master the game.
- Member for 1 year
- Attendance 80% (about 15 practices will be held)
- Must play in two thirds of games played on any of the top ten boards.
Half Colours
- He must score an average of at least 80% in any six consecutive games played onny of the top six boards for the Queen's chess team.
- If he is in a Provincial side, he must score an average of at least 65% in any six consecutive games played on any of the top six boards of the Queen's team.
- All of the above; plus
- A player must have been chosen to represent Border at least once OR
- He must be placed in the top four in the Border High Schools Championships OR
- He must score at least 40% while representing the Border Schools team in the
- South African High Schools Championships CHESSA Championship or USSASA or SAJCA OR
- He must win the Border Schools Chess Championships OR
- He must have a SACF rating of at least 1200 points. The players must demonstrate an acceptable level of proficiency in the organisation or coaching of Chess, and must be willing to use these skills for the good of Queen's College.
- All of the above, plus: He must have a SACF rating of at least 1450 points, OR
- he must be placed in the top ten in the CHESSA Championships, OR USSASA OR SAJCA.