Queens College
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The Choir comprises 25-40 members, and any boy may join. Music reading ability is not essential to audition for the choir. It has established a proud tradition at Queen's and participates in many important school functions and competes in local and national competitions and Eisteddfods.



  • Member for 1 year
  • Attendance 80%
  • Perform at all performances

Half Colours

  • Member for 2 years
  • Attendance 80%
  • Perform at all performances
  • Very good vocal ability (a minimum of a A (or equivalent) in Eisteddfod, performing as an individual.
  • AND the Choir or A Cappella group must attain at least an A (or equivalent) in the Eisteddfod


  • Member for 3 years
  • Attendance 90%
  • Perform at all performances
  • Excellent vocal ability ‘A’ (or equivalent) in an Eisteddfod performing as an individual and in the choir
  • must obtain at least an ‘A+’ (or equivalent) in the Eisteddfod, AND a performance,
  • which on the recommendation of a qualified teacher, is of equivalent standard Provincial standard.


  • Member for 3 years
  • Attendance 90%
  • Perform all performances
  • Excellent vocal ability – highest award attainable (eg. Platinum) in an Eisteddfod
    performing as an individual and the choir must obtain at least an A+ (or equivalent) in the
    Eisteddfod AND a performance, which on the recommendation of a qualified teacher is o f
    equivalent standard.
  • Must be of National standard.